Serious games by Simenco: learning by doing

At Simenco, we believe that the best, most effective way people learn is by experiencing the impact of their decisions. We develop serious games based on the principle ‘learning by doing’.


Learning to manage difficult situations

Simenco’s serious games challenge users. Participants are working in a fictional company, where they are faced with several difficult situations. Users find solutions by taking decisions independently, all the while learning about the consequences of their actions – within the safety of a game.


Insight into the user’s experience

Participants’ experiences are key. After all, these experiences are what users will apply to their daily life. Simenco provides insights into the participants’ experiences, to both the user and the client.


Would you like to know more?

Would you like to know more about the possibilities for your organization? Or would like you to like experience a simulation for yourself? Feel free to get in touch.
